Best Ways To Distribute Your Brochures To The Right Targets

Marketing brochures are one of the most useful marketing tools to tell your company and your brand story to both your current and prospective customers. While many companies invest remarkable financial and human resources in brochure design and brochure print, brochure distribution seems to be overlooked. This probably leads to a waste of marketing budget because those beautifully designed and printed brochures might never reach your targets.
With a full understanding of this, we’ll provide you with a few ideas to distribute your brochures effectively.
1. Display your brochures in the reception area
Reception is where you make the first impression about your organizations to your visitors. Aside from welcoming guests, it’s where you showcase what your company does most appealingly. That said, having brochures right on your reception desk or counter is the easiest way to distribute them without any costs involved.
Elegant acrylic brochure stands that sit right on the reception counter is a nice way to display them. Alternatively, you can use steel free standing brochure racks that can easily be placed in highly visible areas around the reception area. By doing this, your visitors and customers can grab them at ease to have information about your company.

2. Attach brochures with the packaged order
If your business involves delivering products to your customers, place brochures inside the packaged orders is another easy and inexpensive way to distribute your brochures. Since you’re sending them to your potential customers without their requests, they might ignore them. So, it’s important to have an eye-catching brochure design. By using available templates, this can be done without highly skilled graphic designers.
Aside from having attractive messages or promotions, brochure resolution also plays an important part. The reason is a high-quality file will result in good quality brochure print. Paying extra attention to this detail during your design and printing process will certainly pay off.
3. Distribute brochures to your potential customers’ doors by coordinating with your business partners
Making the most of your business connections and partnerships so that you can expand your customers base. Reaching out to your partners to see if you can coordinate with them. Sending out your brochure this way can significantly save your marketing costs.
For example, if you’re running a beauty spa and one of your business connections has a store that sells homemade skin care products. This is definitely a good chance for you to coordinate to distribute your brochures. So, do not delay to contact her/him to see if you can place your brochures at his/her stores (or even chain of stores).
If you decide that this is a good way to deliver your brochures, it’s crucial to think through the relevance of your business partners’ products/services. You would not want to coordinate with an insurance company if you’re running a leather shoe store. A brochure that introduces the most trendy and affordable leather shoes seems to be irrelevant to customers at insurance agencies.

4. Display your brochure in your point-of-sale channels
Depending on your products/services, you might or might not have a direct point of sale or point of purchase channels. However, if you do, they’re of course great locations for brochure distribution. Those are where your current customers and your potential customers come or pass by to buy your products or to look for information about your products.
For example, if your company specializes in environmental-friendly construction materials, local and regional house building exhibitions are the perfect channel to distribute your brochure. If you participate in these exhibitions, display them at your stand/booth or pavilion. If not, coordinate with your business partners to get your brochures displayed at their stands/booths.
Similarly, if you’re a startup selling foods or fast-moving consumer goods like shampoo, detergent, hand washing liquids, department stores and supermarkets are your places. Hotels are also a good channel in this case since food catering and personal care is highly relevant to hospitality.
5. Display your brochure in shopping malls and business centers
There’s usually a high volume of visitors and shoppers in these two places. Therefore, you’d be likely to be able to reach the right targets at shopping malls and business centers. So, discuss with the owners to have their agreement to display your brochure racks at their places. To reach the right targets, choose the right shopping malls and business centers. Research to know which shopping malls your targets often visit is recommended.
You probably need to pay certain fees to have your brochures display at shopping malls because it costs them to maintain the cleanness and safety of their space. That said, it’s worth to consider having your sales team to distribute your brochures at these places. It would be more effective to have human contact rather than just the brochure stands.

6. Distribute your brochure at events
Events are where the crowd is. So, distributing your brochure at events is prone to be helpful for your business. It’s the right opportunity to create or enhance your brand awareness and to present your products/services to the public. Simply put, even though you’re not the owner of these events, you can still show your presence via brochures.
Negotiate with the event organizers to have your brochures distributed. Depending on the scale of the event, you can either have a brochure stand or a salesperson to handle this task. However, it’s important to choose the appropriate event for your products/services. Perhaps you would not want to have your brochures displayed at a rock musical event for the millennials if your product targets middle-aged high school teachers.
In short, there’s not a one-size-fits-all method when it comes to distributing brochures to the right targets. Your industry, products, marketing budget, and business scale are key factors to put into consideration when choosing which method to go with. Spend wisely is always a must.
The most important thing for a successful brochure is a stunning design. Understand your customer and make the design that would impress your customer right away. And at DesignOn, we have experienced doing a hundred awesome brochures!